Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Story Of The Year

The Final Voyage
Space Shuttle Atlantis

I think that this is the story of the year is the final voyage of Space Shuttle Atlantis.  This final voyage signifies the end of The Space Age Era.  Space Age Era ended at the moment Atlantis touched back down on planet Earth.  The Space Era is a great example of  how far we advanced in technology but also in intelligence.  Although we are now lived and worked in space there is still a reminder that we are humans capable of mistakes when remembering those who lost their lives on space shuttle missions.  I remember watching the space shuttle take off and thinking how honored the crew must feel to be on board for the final voyage. The Space Shuttle Atlantis was in use from 1984 to 2011.  The last mission of Space Shuttle Atlantis was the final mission of manned space shuttle launches which began in 1981. 

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