Sunday, September 25, 2011

Recipe of The Year

Mom's Mouthwatering Meatballs

In a large bowl, combine 3/4 each ground beef, and pork, 1 egg, 2 cloves minced garlic, 1/4 cup grated Romano cheese, 1/4 cup chopped fresh parsley, 3 slices white bread (pulled apart and tossed with 2 tbsp. water), and 1/4 tsp. each salt and pepper. Mix well. Add 1/4 cup dry breadcrumbs. Mix again and form into balls.  Place meatballs in a single layer on cooling sheet and bake at 350 degrees until done. Place on paper towel to remove excess oil.  Enjoy! 

Story Of My Life

The Story Of My Life

I was born on July 25, 1995 at 2:33pm on one of the hottest days in Cleveland that year and broke the record for that day.  I was an only child for 2 years until my mom gave birth to my younger brother Nick in 1997. In February of 1997 we bought a dog and named him MacGyver.  On January 15 2001, my grandmother, on my mother’s side, died from complications of liver disease resulting from a blood transfusion she received  in 1982.  In 1982 there was no way to test for Hepatitis C and the blood my grandmother received was tainted with the disease.  By the time a test was developed for Hepatitis C my grandmother had already been ill  for a number of years and was diagnosed with Cirrhosis of the liver as a result.  She needed a liver transplant to survive which she eventually received in 2001.  By that time it was already too late and she died in surgery.  That is the reason why my family advocates organ donation because it may save someone else's loved one.  I never knew my father's mom because she died from cancer when my dad was 16.  

I attended Whitney Elementary and was in first grade on September 11, 2001.  I remember the scenes of the towers falling that were shown on television and knew something awful happened but didn't fully understand how awful.  After second grade I transferred from Whitney Elementary to Allen Elementary to be in the gifted program. In the summer of 2006, my cousin Kelly was married in Florida.  At the wedding  I met my long lost Uncle Danny, who was my Grandmother’s brother.  He stayed with us for a few days and we went to Epcot  together.  He became very special to me.  In March of 2007, we received a call that Uncle Danny died from an aortic aneurysm which is the same thing that my father’s dad died from before I was born.  In March of 2007, I went with my mom to Colorado for the funeral. We went up to Estes Park and visited The Stanley Hotel which was where Steven King wrote the Shining.   Although it was a sad time, we were able to appreciate Colorado in the way that my uncle would have liked.  In August 2007, we decided to get a second labrador and named her Shelby.  In the fall of 2007, I went to middle school at Albion.  There was no bus service at the start of school, due to the failure of the levy, so I was driven and picked up every day. I joined Jazz Band that year having played the alto saxophone since fifth grade.  During the summers of 2008 and 2009 I was a Junior Camp Counselor at Scribes Summer Camp.  I had such a great time and made lifelong friends from that time.  

In 2009, I was off to high school and joined the marching band. I always thought there were a lot of people in the high school and still do.   In November 2010, our loyal pet MacGyver was put down at the age of almost 14 years old.  He was that once in a lifetime dog that always protected us.  A few weeks later we adopted another dog quite unexpectedly.  My mom discovered that our other dog's mom was free to a good home and we went and picked her up.  She fits nicely into the family and is very funny.  

In the summer of 2010, I was part of the Huntington Park Summer Swim League.  In December 2010, the band took a trip down to Florida for the Outback Bowl.  That was a great trip and included marching at Disney World and trips to Universal, Busch Gardens and Ybor City.  In 2011, I was involved in swimming again and I passed my drivers test.   In July of this year, my family went to New York City for the 4th of July weekend.  We really enjoyed the sights of New York and hope to return again soon.  We visited the Statue of Liberty, Ellis Island, The World Trade Center location among others.  

Oh and the record for one of the hottest day in July, was recently broken this year around my birthday again!  

Person Of The Year

My Father
David A. Urbanic
I chose my father, David Urbanic, as my person of the year.  My Dad has always been there for me and helped me through some tough times.  He was the first to teach me the rules of the road so I could get my temporary license in January and taught me how to drive.   During spring break 2011, I  suffered from some anxiety problems that really took a toll on me mentally and physically.  My Dad was there to help me through that time and made me appreciate all that I have in my life.  My Dad lost his Mom when he was 16 and his Dad when he was 23 so he really knows a tough time.  My Dad is a great person who has a great soul and is a man of character and integrity.  He has always been there for me and I hope do the same for him.  It would be a great compliment for someone to tell me that I am like my Dad.   The above picture was taken on Christmas Eve 2005.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Poem About My Life

i live in _____   
with thanks to Ntozake Shange

i live in art
is this where you live
i live here in art
i live on creative street
my friend lives on free expression avenue
do you live here in art
dancing round me like rain on other folks
colors paint the sunrise
bright and beautiful like the night sky
dark and gray as an October rainstorm soaking my mind
thinking they was thoughts 
i got inspiration where other people
got money & another world for my mind
swim around in a dream like somebody
else/be swimming in a pool
i live in art
   live in it
believe in it
i cd even touch it
wear imspiration on my soul
dreams rise so fulla art
ya cd make a field where yr bed is &
rest yrself
rest yrself in art

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Story Of The Year

The Final Voyage
Space Shuttle Atlantis

I think that this is the story of the year is the final voyage of Space Shuttle Atlantis.  This final voyage signifies the end of The Space Age Era.  Space Age Era ended at the moment Atlantis touched back down on planet Earth.  The Space Era is a great example of  how far we advanced in technology but also in intelligence.  Although we are now lived and worked in space there is still a reminder that we are humans capable of mistakes when remembering those who lost their lives on space shuttle missions.  I remember watching the space shuttle take off and thinking how honored the crew must feel to be on board for the final voyage. The Space Shuttle Atlantis was in use from 1984 to 2011.  The last mission of Space Shuttle Atlantis was the final mission of manned space shuttle launches which began in 1981. 

Place Of The Year

9/11 Memorial
New York City
New York

I chose the September 11, 2001 memorial for my "Place of the Year".  This memorial was built in the footprints of the World Trade Center towers and includes the names of all those who perished at that site.  The memorial shows that even after death and horrible tragedy life goes on.  This area was a pile of rubble and despair 10 years ago and now is a symbol of the American spirit.  The area not only provides peace to  the families and loved ones of the victims but to the American public as a whole.  It is important to remember this day and the vulnerability and resilience of the American people.   The above photo was taken by me while in New York City July 2011.  When I visited the site, I felt an overwhelming sense of sadness.  Then I was overcome by a sense of  pride in being an American watching something beautiful being built out of the ashes.  

Song Of The Year

Here Is The News
Electric Light Orchestra

I chose this song as the song of the year for 2011 because of all the news stories this year. For example, the Lunar Eclipse, the Japan Earthquake, the Casey Anthony Trial, the Killing of Osama Bin Laden, and the President's address to Congress.

Here is the news,
Coming to you every hour on the hour
Here is the news,
The weather's fine but there may be a meteor shower.

Here is the news,
A cure's been found for good old rocket lag,
Here is the news,
Someone left their life behind in a plastic bag.

{Space workers dispute in London today
a lightning strike by air shuttle officers
led to over 2,000 passengers being held up
for up to 10 hours to board flights}

{10 Euro technicians were today sentenced
by the justice computer to banished for life
to the Prison Satellite Penal 1}

Here is the news,another action filled adventure,
Here is the news,
All the worst from the world convention.

{Shares of Roboko development are now climbing
A very great freind of mine
Our regular schedueled programs
The latest report from the people down there
A tiny little detail
I'd like to say hello to everybody}

Here is the news,
I wanna go home I want my baby back.
Here is the news
I wanna go back

Here is the news,
Somebody has broken out of Satellite 2,
Here is the news,look very carefully it may be you.

{The energy council today announced
The Archbishop is waving to the crowds
The world broadcasting authority today announced
I think it'll be alright, you'll have to wait and see
I'll call you back later}

Here is the news
Here is the news
Here is the news